Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tortoise Shell Problem Defeated.

I have been on an endless search for tortoise shell ANYTHING that just wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. I love love love the tortoise shell pattern! (I dont know if it's necessarily a pattern?) Anyway, I have a super fashionable science teacher and one day in class I realized she was sporting this seriously adorable tortoise shell watch:

So naturally, I asked her where she got it. The second I heard that it was Michael Kors I was automatically let down. I've never been a label wearer! But out of curiosity I did some research online and here's what I found..this watch costs 225$$$$!!! No WAY was I going to splurge considering im saving for college on a lifeguards hourly wage....

Next on my tortoise shell search was a pair of cute tortoise shell sunglasses for the very fashionable lifeguard that I am. I saw a lifeguard with these tort shell Ray Bans, and automatically fell in love...
 So again I did my research. 200$! Why must everything be so expensive????

 So of course where does one go when looking for cute clothes and accesories and doesnt want to feel guilty about the price? Target. I had one grrreat shopping day. I left with very reasonably priced tortoise shell items. Sunglasses for 17$ and a watch for 16$! And maybe its just the cheap prices but to me, they looked exactly like the name brand watch and shades! A+ for Target once again. If you find yourself searching for tortoise shell items, (don't worry your time is coming) head to Target!

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