Saturday, June 2, 2012

A New Musical Obsession....

I know this is mostly a fashion blog but I just can't hold in a recent obsession!

I have a very all-over-the-place music taste if you will. Anywhere from Taylor Swift (absolutely obsessed) to Wiz Khalifa and Mumford and Sons. I just like to listen to whatever fits my mood at that place in time. Recently my sister introduced me to a band called "Of Monsters and Men" and I CANNOT stop listening to them! Its a band from Iceland with a little quirky and fun vibe but also really good quality music.

When I find a band I really like, I try not to buy the entire album on iTunes so I tried Of Monsters out in a 5 song increment. I am reeeeally loving the first five songs, so chances are I'll get the next five ASAP. Anyways, here they are singing one of my favorite songs (out of the 5 I bought) called "Dirty Paws"

Ah! So good so good :)

Now, I have this beautiful gifted best friend named Callie and she is currently a guitar teacher at a local music store. This girl is AMAZING at what she does! Of course I have front row seats (usually videos or just sitting in her room) of her newest stuff and today at work I recieved a video of her singing one of my favorite Of Monsters songs, "Little Talks" So here's a tidbit of what I recieved from her today!  

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