Saturday, June 9, 2012

Alright, So we Couldn't Beat the Heat...

Nothing worse then seeing my men lose in Game 7! But hey, my main argument would be that they really arent called "the Heat" they are simply called, "Lebron and the guys!".. I mean seriously. If you eliminate Lebron from the Miami equation you have a pretty average pro team. The Celtics on the other hand, are well rounded, with each player bringing something to the table. Now Lebron is an amazing player and deserves all the credit..but thats just it, HE deserves all the credit. Without him Miami would be back to only wishing they could even make the playoffs. The Heat make me feel as if the NBA is no longer in it for the love of the game, players just resort to whatever team can get them the best money and the most championship rings. I've always felt that the Celtics were a bunch of guys who just played good, fundamental, loyal basketball because they LOVED the game, and that has always been why I love the Celtics. This may be the last season that they all play together as a team due to age and exhaustion but just in case, I think this commercial is a good message to send out for next season...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Don't Listen to John, Taylor.

I am a die-hard Taylor Swift fan. I've seen her live twice, and those two days I count as some of the best days of my life. I can't really pin-point why I am such a Swifty, but I do know that I love her style, her ability to be a role model, and of course, her ability to open up in her music.

Just like any other teenage girl, Taylor Swift has had her fair share of heartbreaks. One of her most recent ones with John Mayer, an extremely mysterious and attractive singer/songwriter. So naturally she turned to her natural way of venting--writing music. As they say, everything happens for a reason. From her heartbreak came a huge positive, a song about her heartbreak, entitled "Dear John".

Just today my sister posted this on my facebook wall..

John feels humiliated?! Please! If I was Taylor right now my response would be "sucks." but Taylor of course is more creative, and a little more kind. Although this isnt a direct response, I like to think this might be going through her head as she reads these articles about how sad John is and how she "kicked him when he was down" Please John, please. Here is a clip from Taylor's Fearless tour where she speaks about writing songs about her exes:

So its quite simple John, if you didnt want Taylor to write "Dear John" you shouldn't of done whatever you did for her to think that you have a "sick need to give love and take it away."

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tortoise Shell Problem Defeated.

I have been on an endless search for tortoise shell ANYTHING that just wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. I love love love the tortoise shell pattern! (I dont know if it's necessarily a pattern?) Anyway, I have a super fashionable science teacher and one day in class I realized she was sporting this seriously adorable tortoise shell watch:

So naturally, I asked her where she got it. The second I heard that it was Michael Kors I was automatically let down. I've never been a label wearer! But out of curiosity I did some research online and here's what I found..this watch costs 225$$$$!!! No WAY was I going to splurge considering im saving for college on a lifeguards hourly wage....

Next on my tortoise shell search was a pair of cute tortoise shell sunglasses for the very fashionable lifeguard that I am. I saw a lifeguard with these tort shell Ray Bans, and automatically fell in love...
 So again I did my research. 200$! Why must everything be so expensive????

 So of course where does one go when looking for cute clothes and accesories and doesnt want to feel guilty about the price? Target. I had one grrreat shopping day. I left with very reasonably priced tortoise shell items. Sunglasses for 17$ and a watch for 16$! And maybe its just the cheap prices but to me, they looked exactly like the name brand watch and shades! A+ for Target once again. If you find yourself searching for tortoise shell items, (don't worry your time is coming) head to Target!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A New Musical Obsession....

I know this is mostly a fashion blog but I just can't hold in a recent obsession!

I have a very all-over-the-place music taste if you will. Anywhere from Taylor Swift (absolutely obsessed) to Wiz Khalifa and Mumford and Sons. I just like to listen to whatever fits my mood at that place in time. Recently my sister introduced me to a band called "Of Monsters and Men" and I CANNOT stop listening to them! Its a band from Iceland with a little quirky and fun vibe but also really good quality music.

When I find a band I really like, I try not to buy the entire album on iTunes so I tried Of Monsters out in a 5 song increment. I am reeeeally loving the first five songs, so chances are I'll get the next five ASAP. Anyways, here they are singing one of my favorite songs (out of the 5 I bought) called "Dirty Paws"

Ah! So good so good :)

Now, I have this beautiful gifted best friend named Callie and she is currently a guitar teacher at a local music store. This girl is AMAZING at what she does! Of course I have front row seats (usually videos or just sitting in her room) of her newest stuff and today at work I recieved a video of her singing one of my favorite Of Monsters songs, "Little Talks" So here's a tidbit of what I recieved from her today!  

Friday, June 1, 2012

Nude nails and glam nails...a summer MUST!

I have a little obsession with painting my nails and getting manicures. Ok, lets be honest its a pretty serious obsession that is clearing out the money that I barely have! But thats beside the point. NUDE NAILS are my latest nail obsession. So cute, so classy, so chic!

My friends and I (they also have a nail obsession) have created a term that just seemed to stick whenever we would discuss what to do with our nails next. That infamous term is your "glam nail". Now your glam nail is one nail you decide to paint a little differently. I usually choose my ring finger to "glam" but I've seen other nails painted differently as well! Your "glam nail" should stand out, and for that reason i almost always choose to add glitter!
Here's my latest nail job:

I love glam nails!